TCM and Acupuncture
When I was 13 or 14 years old I had a serious asthma condition which affected every area of my life, especially sports. One day my mother told me we would go to see a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor. I still remember everything he did and especially the feeling afterward of wanting to sleep. The next day my asthma was gone and never returned. Ever since then I would get acupuncture and herbs regularly and I eventually came to study it and became a TCM practitioner myself.
Professor Chang Yi Hsiang, Ph. D. is a world famous Taoist Master, Founder of World Taoist Association, USA, President of World Medicine Institute, Medical Professor of University of Hawaii, 64th Celestial Master of Zheng Yi Taoist sect. Year after year she spreads Taoism all around the world. Richard studied under Dr. Chang and received a Masters degree in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The Shenzhen Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (广州中医药大学深圳医院) is a public hospital which specializes in Traditional Chinese medicine. Since 1956, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (广州中医药大学) is one of the four earliest established institutions in China specializing in Chinese traditional medicine. Richard trained under Dr. Yu in Shenzhen, China.
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